Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Personality Traits Of My Personality - 2132 Words
The main particular traits of my personality tend to stem from both life experiences and due to the deeper portions of my faith. The first trait that I express often is politeness to whomever I encounter. Patience as a mainstay also is shown in many of the situations I put myself in. A trait that is a double-edged sword to me is the trait of being ornery when things get a bit heated, with me remaining stubborn through most of the situations I encounter. The final personality trait I can think of off the top of my head would be courageousness. The multitude of interactions I have with other individuals tends to be pleasant, where I either do the business needed or some laughs become exchanged. I attempt to be kind to these individuals for the sake of harmony in the world, and I like to avoid problems that could lead to further responsibilities I should not take. I am an introvert by nature, and conversing with other people in my view is something that should be brief. Debates tend to pop up since I do have a lot of opinions that I like to dissect, as well as other individuals I deem competent. The small talk is an annoyance to me and I rather power through it to the meat of a conversation. Situations that are more on the stressful side are both an annoyance to me as well as a fundamental building block. When I have work to do in the namesake of education and income, I work with arduousness. This pertains to my need for a relaxed atmosphere where I can focus single-mindedly onShow MoreRelatedMy Personality Traits Of A Personality2217 Words  | 9 Pagesdifferent personalities, and learning to working with them in any environment. Being able to learn about others personalities helps one build successful relationships with others. Learning about one self-typed personality will also assist with self-understanding and self- awareness. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay about One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest - 1220 Words
The six psychological approaches are biological, learning or behavioral, cognitive, sociocultural, psychodynamic, and humanistic. Each approach is unique in its own way and used by psychiatrists to diagnose the problem. A biological approach is applied when the there is a known medical condition. The medical condition normally connects to mental health, and the solution comes from therapy. This particular approach looks at the whole body. The learning or behavioral approach is all about analyzing the person’s the behavior and modifying their behavior biased on their response to the environment. This approach works from positive and negatives items in their environment, and is sometimes cured by brings these elements in and out of their†¦show more content†¦Ratchet interrogated the patients and made them feel uncomfortable. The hospital also had electric shock therapy and lobotomy as other treatment methods. Also, the hospital gave the patients medicine, this is a biol ogical approach, even though it was given to these people unwillingly. Mrs. Ratchet also allowed McMurphy to receive a vote in order to watch the ball game and she bended the rules or was too strict in order to win her position. This is a behavioral approach because McMurphy watched the baseball probably in his normal environment at home. She teased him with the thought of watching the game as a reward, then took it away. McMurphy had behavioral or learning approach. He would congratulate people when they did things he thought were good and he would yell at them when he thought they did something bad. For example, when McMurphy taught Chief how to shoot a basketball, he cheered after every point he made. The other patients looked up to and really admired McMurphy, which put him in a very powerful position. He had a strong effect on the other patients and they really admired him. Chief Bromden’s recovery began when McMurphy came to the hospital and started talking to him and m aking him do tasks. McMurphy worked on chief to see if he was smart enough to complete simple tasks. The first step was him raising his hands above his head at the basketball court, which was the first movement he had done in his wholeShow MoreRelatedOne Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest875 Words  | 3 Pages In â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest†by Ken Kesey, Nurse Ratched symbolizes the oppression of society through archetypal emasculation. The male patients at the ward are controlled, alienated and forced into submission by the superior female characters. Throughout the novel, there is a constant fear of female superiority; Randle McMurphy, the sexually empowered male protagonist, states how they are essentially being castrated. Castration, in the novel, symbolizes the removal of freedom, sexualRead MoreEssay On One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest1487 Words  | 6 PagesWard Power is defined as the controlling entity that cannot be escaped from those who are less superior. In Ken Kesey’s novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, there is an evident theme shown throughout particular instances of how power can turn into something catastrophic. From this novel, many characters undergo highs and lows of this concept. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest tells a story through the perspective of Chief Bromden. The setting takes place in a mental institution located in Oregon, whereRead More One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay864 Words  | 4 PagesOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Written by Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was published in 1967 by Penguin Books. This story was written based on the author’s experience while working in a mental institution. He held long conversations with the inmates in order to gain a better understanding of them. It was during this period that he wrote the first draft of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Most of the characters in the novel are based upon actual patients he met while working atRead MoreOne Flew over the Cuckoos Nest2390 Words  | 10 Pages3 May 2011 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest In the novel, â€Å"One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†by Ken Kesey, the book has a lot of meaning, symbolism, and imagery. This book has been criticized by many around the country and has even been considered to be banned in high schools nationwide. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is seen as obscene, racist, immoral, and sexist to some eyes. 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Ken Kesey the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, with the character McMurphy, learned towards the superiority of the male sexuality over female authority (123 Helpme). The women in the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest are portrayed as weak, sex objects,Read MoreOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey. Essay668 Words  | 3 PagesOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a controversial novel that has left parents and school authorities debating about its influence on students since its publication in 1962. The novel describes the inner workings of a mental institution, how the patients are emasculated and mistreated by the terrifying Nurse Ratched, who will go to any length to control them. But in comes McMurphy, a criminal who chose to go to an asylum rather than serve physical labor; he disrupts the order of the hospital withRead MoreOne Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Research Paper1764 Words  | 8 PagesDrugs and Insanity Against Society The author of the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Ken Keasey, received his inspiration for the book while volunteering at a veterans hospital. This is where he was first introduced to LSD. The moment he tried it, he became addicted, and began experimenting on himself with the drugs, observing the effects. The novel deals with the tyrannical rule of head Nurse Ratched in a mental hospital somewhere in Oregon. She runs all business and daily life in the asylumRead MoreOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey1916 Words  | 8 PagesOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Ken Kesey Final One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, written by Ken Kesey, was a very successful novel which was impactful on the world in the past, and still is today. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Maintaining a Healthy Home Holistically Free Essays
string(88) " was an increased odds of hypothyroidism with use of organochlorine insecticides of 12\." Martina Westcott Hsoc 259 April 21, 2010 Maintaining a Healthy Home Holistically: Natural Household Products as Safe Alternatives to Conventional Products â€Å"If you want to learn about the health of a population, look at the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the places where they live. †-Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 5th Century BC Natural household products are an important part of maintaining health holistically. From day to day, what is ingested, inhaled, and introduced into our bodies has effects on levels of function and the state of our health. We will write a custom essay sample on Maintaining a Healthy Home Holistically or any similar topic only for you Order Now We spend up to 57 percent of our lives indoors, so it is beneficial to make sure that indoor environments are safe havens to raise healthy children. [1] High levels of exposure to harmful fumes and aromas produced by conventional cleaning products play a role in increasing rates of asthma, especially in young children. Conventional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that are irritating to both the skin and body. Asthma cannot be cured, but by removing triggers in the home, this condition can be treated and patients can rely less on biomedicine to control symptoms. Two main symptom aggravators for asthmatic patients are bioallergens and chemical irritants. [2] Natural cleaning products can be helpful in removing both from the home. By removing allergens and synthetic chemicals from the home environment, good health is maintained. Perspectives taken from current consumers of natural cleaning products reveal an understanding of the environment as a point of access to a wealth of resources that can serve to alleviate symptoms and enhance one’s quality of life. The efficacy of these products is revealed in personal accounts. Moreso today than ever before, it is crucial to regard the body as a precious vessel and treat it as such. In doing so, some are beginning to relate to the environment in a new way, valuing responsibility to the environment as much as responsibility for their own bodies. By engaging in a reciprocal relationship with the environment, humans live in harmony with their surroundings and preserve nature’s healing powers. Melaleuca, Inc, the Shaklee Corporation, and the Rainbow Company are three institutions that pledge to protect the health of consumers and our environment through increasing accessibility to natural cleaning products. What are Natural Household Products? Natural cleaning products contain components from the earth as primary constituents, such as oils, herbs, or naturally- occurring chemical compounds. These products do not harm the environment and do not introduce foreign chemicals into the body. Therefore, natural cleaning products are typically non- irritating to the skin and eyes and far more gentle than harsh chemical cleansers. In the context of this paper, just because something is ‘natural’ doesn’t mean it is less toxic, or non- irritating all the time. Even cleaners that are safe enough to eat, like lemon juice, can be irritating to the eyes or skin. Consumers should make decisions based on reading the ingredient list for themselves, identifying any ingredients that may be toxic, and then deciding whether to use that product in the home. There are several labels approved by the FDA that one can use to identify whether or not a product is organic, or in other words, natural. If a product is labeled â€Å"100% organic†all of the ingredients used must be natural. If a product is labeled simply â€Å"organic,†it at least 95 percent of its ingredients are organically produced. Finally, if a product is labeled â€Å"made with organic ingredients,†it must contain at least 70 percent organic contents. The first ingredient on any label is found in the product in greatest quantity, therefore it may be convenient to simply identify this ingredient. Many products are mostly water. Therefore, the first ingredient can provide a clue to the potency of the natural ingredient within the product of your choice. 3] Not all natural cleaning products are equal. Like all products used in the home, especially around children, it is necessary to research ingredients or subscribe to a company that pledges to provide pure products. For instance, the Melaleuca Company adheres to the established Australian standard that requires marketed Melaleuca oil to have a minimum of thirty- five percent Terpinen and a maximum of ten- percent Cineole, the two mai n chemical components of the natural oil, which ensures that the product is as pure as possible. [4] The Shaklee Corporation, another ompany that promotes natural products, maintains a Scientific Advisory Board of medical professionals and scientists who regularly check the purity of products and make sure EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) standards are met. [5] These are features of companies that have created transparency for consumers to identify exactly where their products are coming from and can be trusted to provide pure products for the home. Why Worry About the Environment? Do you know what impacts the quality of your health? [pic] www. ahha. org We are our environment. Health does not end at the skin. Everything we do, from the food we eat to the air we breathe, affects our health. In this diagram produced by the American Holistic Health Association, the environment is shown to impact health in an even stronger capacity than medical care. While one may visit the doctor’s office once or twice annually, we spend countless hours indoors in the course of our lives. Therefore the quality of the environment cannot be separated from one’s state of health. Natural household products holistically maintain health because they do not harm the environment. Unnatural, genetically engineered chemicals used in the environment have been shown to harm the body. In a study conducted at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, evidence was found linking organochlorine exposure and thyroid disease in women. Organochlorine is an insecticide used in planting. The study compared female farmers in Iowa and North Carolina who had been exposed to the compound on a regular basis to those who were not in regular contact with the chemical. Analysis of results showed that â€Å"there was an increased odds of hypothyroidism with use of organochlorine insecticides of 12. You read "Maintaining a Healthy Home Holistically" in category "Papers" %†[6] This study reveals the bodily harm that can be incurred just by touching chemically altered compounds and using them on a daily basis. This is not to mention the potential dangers of ingesting these chemicals in food products. As we keep the environment pure, we also keep our bodies pure. In indigenous cultures, all products used in the home came directly from the earth itself. Indigenous Perspectives of Holism Using natural cleaning products parallels the use of holistic healthcare. Indigenous peoples believed that human beings are one with the earth, and this assertion is found in all forms of Shamanistic practice. Each of us is deeply connected with the Earth’s ecosystems. In a book entitled Ecological Medicine: Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves the author writes, â€Å"By restoring the earth, we restore ourselves†[7] Biologically, the human body is composed of the same elements that constitute the land like carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. When we die, our bodies return to the earth and begin the cycle of life anew. The Bible reads, â€Å"Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return. †[8] Human life comprises just one small portion of the cycle of life. Cultures that participated in Shamanistic traditions like the Native Americans, for instance, understood this cycle of life. The notion of using the most valuable herbs the earth has to offer in personal care regimens is not one of recent invention. Native Americans have used plants and herbs grown by hand for anywhere between 10,000 and 30,000 years. [9] The spiritual understanding of a life cycle that the earth is intimately connected to human beings is the underlying basis for providing optimal care and respect for the land, which will ultimately offer up a harvest to care for the individual in turn. Such an understanding â€Å"is awareness that life in any environment is viable only when humans view the life that surrounds them as kin. †[10] This phenomenon, which professor of Anthropology Enrique Salmon calls â€Å"ecological kinship†is a unique feature of Native American culture and other Shamanistic belief systems that has produced a deep appreciation for the land, one that the Melaleuca Company echoes in promotion of natural products that do not harm the earth upon disposal as some harsh chemicals may. Native Americans have traditionally â€Å"viewed human beings not as some higher intellectual being above lower animal and inanimate beings but as a kindred partner in the universe, reliant on the other beings in creation for life itself. †[11] This fundamental interdependence is necessary to an understanding of holistic healthcare as more than care for the body, but also care for the environment, which can be considered the temple that houses our bodies. Other Native American groups have similar understandings of the cyclic nature of life and death as it relates to the environment. In Cherokee culture, the medicine wheel, which symbolizes the â€Å"wheel of life†[12] represents a series of stages through which living beings pass associated with seasons and the alignment of the cosmos. The wheel does not have to be tangible; it can be spiritually understood as present during ceremonial rituals. The term â€Å"medicine†wheel may be understood in American culture if biomedicine is the immediate connection one identifies because the concept is quite spiritual in Native culture. The medicine wheel is a healing cycle that includes the environment as a source of healing and strength. As Dr. Tieraona Low Dog puts it eloquently, â€Å"plants aren’t pills, they’re seeds. †[13] In indigenous cultures, plants have intrinsic healing properties simply from being alive. These healing powers are all- natural and unaltered by man, preserved only in the purity of nature. This is true in all indigenous belief systems. For Native Americans and other indigenous groups, health is a balance between human outputs and inputs and those of the physical body of land. It is an alignment that is achieved through respect for the earth, an absence of exploitation in terms of resource extraction, and an embracing of nature. In a physical sense, balance is achieved by respecting the land. In a spiritual sense, balance is achieved by using the wheel symbolically in ceremonial practices and rituals to align oneself with climate patterns, deities, etc. For instance, in certain Cherokee ceremonies, tribes march around a central fire in a counter- clockwise direction because this is believed to be pleasing to the divine. According to Jutlia Atli, a member of the Cherokee tribe, â€Å"We are created by, balanced between, and destroyed by the primary forces represented on the Wheel. [14] The wheel includes seven sacred directions which correspond to environmental elements and seasons as well as colors and times of day. The seven directions are also representative of various characters, such as humility, change, death, and impermanence. These examples demonstrate the creation and existence of the human being as only a small part of an extensive universal system of life that is all inclusive, a substratum of phy sical and spiritual interconnection that strings together all beings as one. This holistic view of life is one that we can reclaim today. Like a flickering flame, human life is only a brief glimpse of the extensive life present on the earth at any given point in time, a humbling acceptance that can truly change one’s perspective. Natural Medicine Indigenous peoples used what was available to them in their immediate environments, typically herbs, roots, or seeds that grew from the soil, in healing. These natural elements were the body’s first medicines. Modern pharmaceuticals introduce chemicals that have often been genetically engineered in the laboratory into our bodies. When the body does not recognize a drug, the immune system is designed to combat that foreign substance. Prescriptions cannot simply target one symptom because the body is a set of extensive systems that work in harmony to maintain homeostasis. Any pill ingested must travel through the entire system and could potentially harm organs or tissues that were not the intended target of the treatment. Therefore, it is better to use natural treatments that are not so unfamiliar to the body to maintain good health. Holistic practitioners like those who practice homeopathy utilize naturally occurring remedies to restore health such as herbs. A homeopathic physician, Dr. Linda Baker utilizes natural herbs every day in her practice and also maintains an allergen- free, chemical- free environment in her office for patients. [15] Her concern for creating a natural setting for her homeopathic practice speaks to recreating the natural environment indoors to maintain health holistically. She subscribes to the Shaklee Corporation, a company that produces natural products for the home and office. Natural Household Products Today: Drawing on the Past to Protect Our Future Three major companies involved in producing natural cleaning products for sale presently are the Shaklee Corporation, the Rainbow Company, and Melaleuca Inc. A brief overview of the services offered by these companies will provide insight into the transforming views of how to maintain a healthy home environment. All companies promoting natural cleaning products share the same basic goal, and that is promoting health holistically by offering alternatives to harsh chemicals that can harm the body and the environment. These companies look to indigenous cultures for philosophy and ingredients. The Shaklee Corporation has been operating since 1960. It is one of the pioneer companies to promote natural cleaning products and biodegradable containers for household products. Their mission statement nicely sums some of the ideas presented in this paper. This is the Shaklee pledge: â€Å"We make products from the purest natural ingredients. And we take stringent measures to keep out pesticides, contaminants, and other unnatural things that simply don’t belong there. But just as important as what we take from nature is what we don’t take. †[16] Shaklee set the standard for many similar companies that would follow. Melaleuca, Inc. was founded by Frank VanderSloot in 1995. The overarching goals of the company are to provide consumers with natural alternatives to chemically based cleaning products, healing supplements, medications, and even beauty products. By working in concert with the environment, the Melaleuca Company has brought to the forefront natural remedies that have been used for centuries in other cultures. For instance, the pioneer product and namesake of this innovative company was melaleuca oil, also known as tea tree oil. This oil is a natural compound taken from an Australian plant which is considered â€Å"a useful dermatological with antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. †[17] Tea tree oil is used in a wide range of products sold by the company, including toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, as well as its most basic form as pure oil. Tea tree oil was used among Australian aborigines who realized the healing power of the extract upon experimentation. Within that culture, â€Å"freshly crushed leaves were applied directly to an injury, and then held in place with a mud pack†[18] and healing was accelerated. They named the herb bungawalbyn, which means â€Å"healing ground†in the native language. [19] Today, tea tree oil is used to treat conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, and athlete’s foot. It is found within a whole host of natural cleaning products, from teas to acne medications. This company is one of many that have successfully brought this ancient herb back to the forefront of health consciousness and natural remedies for common ailments. The Melaleuca Company functions through word- of- mouth dissemination of consumer based advice and success with products. One of the company’s slogans, â€Å"We’re telling about Melaleuca, not selling it†[20] speaks to this feature of promoting the products. Customers are exposed to Melaleuca through informational sessions held within the homes of current users who are given instructional materials to conduct the sessions themselves with other friends. As a wellness company, the Melaleuca brand promotes a holistic focus on the entire individual’s overall wellbeing and daily satisfaction with bodily function. Testimonies shared during informational sessions are typically centered on personal experience with the product, from health improvements seen after using natural cleaning products as in the case of Ms. Hensen, to the practical efficacy of maintaining a healthy lifestyle without harming the environment. While Melaleuca promotes a whole host of natural products, from lotions to cleaners, other companies focus on improving the efficacy and the environmentally- friendly standard of a particular household appliance such as the vacuum. The Rainbow Cleaning System line produces vacuum cleaners that use a water filtration system to collect dirt and allergens picked up instead of traditional bags that can harbor a host of dust mites and other bacteria lifted from carpets during vacuuming. The idea of cleaning one’s home is the goal to remove dirt, but some conventional vacuum cleaners only spread dirt and dust mites as one empties filters and bags. Rainbow technology uses a water basin to trap allergens in a fluid that can be easily disposed in the proper receptacle, either bagged and thrown in the trash or flushed down the toilet. The innovative system also allows customers to add natural components to the water basin prior to vacuuming, such as lemon or orange peels, to fragrance the home naturally as you vacuum. This pragmatic system can be helpful for those who are sensitive to dust and other irritants, especially asthmatic children and adults. Conventional Household Products Pollute the Body Asthma is a condition that affects a large portion of the U. S. population and it is especially prevalent among young children. An average of one out of every 13 school-aged children or nine million US children under age 18 have been diagnosed with asthma. It’s the most common chronic childhood disease in the developed world and has become even more commonplace in the last three decades. †[21] Furthermore, in the US, the prevalence of asthma increased 75% from 1980-1994. [22] An increasingly toxic home environment may play a key role in the development of asthma and the severity of symptoms. A 2004 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed the harmful effects of environmental irritants in amplifying asthma- related symptoms. The study, which followed 937 children living in high- risk homes in seven major cities, found that a reduction of irritants within the home served to decrease asthma- related morbidity rates. [23] Children who were exposed to fewer allergens within the home through stringent cleaning practices experienced less symptoms of asthma including wheezing and coughing. They could also play for more extended periods of time because their symptoms were alleviated. This study reveals the fundamental connection between health and environment, one that companies promoting natural cleaning products hope to make prominent in American consumer culture. The Melaleuca Company promotes maintaining a healthy home. In a chapter of the Melaleuca Wellness Guide entitled â€Å"Is Your Home a Healthy Home? †John K. Beaulieu exposes the harms that can be unwittingly imposed on one’s family through the use of toxic chemicals in household products. Some alarming statistics are presented as evidence of these harms. For instance, â€Å"a product that kills 50% of lab animals through ingestion or inhalation can still receive the federal regulatory designation ‘non-toxic’†[24] Throughout the article, a number of products used in almost every household in the United States are listed as containing cancer-causing agents and chemicals that can irritate respiratory pathways or skin. One chemical that is common in many household products, formaldehyde, which is also used to preserve human and animal bodies for dissection, is described as capable of causing â€Å"spasms, edema of the larynx and bronchi, and chemical pneumonitis†[25] upon inhalation. Formaldehyde is found in common brands of bubble bath, baby shampoo, hair spray, and other personal care products and, like dust and allergens, has also been linked to childhood asthma. In an article published in the Environmental Health Perspectives Journal entitled â€Å"Formaldehyde Exposure and Asthma in Children: A Systematic Review,†literature reviews of recently published studies provided quantitative evidence of a strong association between formaldehyde in the home environment and increasing rates of asthma among children. Specifically, â€Å"when compared with individuals with no formaldehyde exposure, those with the highest levels of exposure reported in the seven studies (i. e. , 80  µg/m3) would have 3. 5-times higher odds of asthma. †[26] One study examined in this report focused on formaldehyde exposure among infants from birth to two years of age, a critical window where exposure to formaldehyde can have long- lasting effects due to the â€Å"small caliber of their airways†[27] and found an even stronger positive association with asthma for these children later in life. Therefore, it is imperative that families keep their homes pure in terms of products used to clean furniture and floors, especially in children’s rooms. Some links to chemical and asthma remain unclear. For instance, a study in Sweden identified yet another harmful agent found in many household items, phthalate compounds. Phthalates are compounds that are used in conventional tupper- ware plastic containers as well as moisturizers, nail polish, and vinyl flooring. These compounds are ubiquitous in most American homes as well and leach out of products into the air. â€Å"Global phthalate production is 3. million tons per year†[28] and this figure is rising every year. The Swedish study concluded that â€Å"house dust containing [phthalates]†¦is associated with higher rates of asthma. †[29] The study included Swedish children who were exposed to phthalate- containing products in the home. However, a reverse causation factor has been considered by the American Chemistry Council, which suggests that it is yet to be determined whether the presence of the phthalate compounds ultimately leads to asthma or if the phthalate-containing products brought into the home to combat asthma only further aggravate symptoms. Both situations may be contributing factors to worsening symptoms. The example used is the practice of replacing carpets with vinyl flooring to reduce allergens, which is often a response to asthma because parents are aware of the dust mites carpeting can harbor within the home. Perhaps the Rainbow Cleaning System would work well for these families! Although this particular connection remains unclear, other chemical compounds like formaldehyde have been linked to asthma with high levels of certainty. The preventive benefits of using natural cleaning systems in the home prevail. Evidence suggests that conventional cleaning products cause illness; this is especially important for children. During the interview, Ms. Hensen discussed the health benefits of using natural household products within her own family in depth. With regard to the benefits of using Melaleuca products, she asserted wholeheartedly that her â€Å"family’s health had improved greatly since the introduction of Melaleuca cleaning products and supplements to the household. Her teenage son has suffered with severe asthma since birth and his condition was often aggravated by strongly scented detergents and other harsh chemical products, including household bleach and ammonia- based cleaners. She revealed that he had missed almost two months of school over the course of his freshman year of high school due to asthma complications despite her best efforts to keep the house clear of irritants like dust and pestic ides. When a friend suggested Melaleuca, Ms. Hensen was eager to explore the option. Her first product was MelaPower ©, a melaleuca oil- based detergent. Within weeks, she found that her son was not experiencing the same sense of airway irritation as he had with other brands of detergent. She then added Sol-U-Mel ©, a multi-use cleaning solution that she uses throughout the home in cleaning floors, appliances, and large areas such as kitchen and living room floors. These products are part of the EcoSense line of natural cleaning products. Because Sol-U-Mel © solution is sold in concentrated form, it is long- lasting through several uses. She especially enjoys the versatility of uses for one product she has encountered using Melaleuca. Sol- U- Mel © is just one example of such products that can be used almost anywhere in the home. Her son has not had an asthma attack since she switched to Melaleuca products eight years ago. Now a law school student at Temple University, he uses the products in his own home. When asked how he feels since his mom first introduced him to Melaleuca products, he responds that â€Å"Melaleuca changed his life. †He attributes his renewed ease of breathing to Melaleuca in large part. Ms. Hensen’s personal testimony does not suggest that Melaleuca products are â€Å"miracle solutions†to a whole host of health problems, but it does reveal the efficacy that consumers seek when deciding on a purchase. Her experience reveals a vital tenet of natural, holistic healthcare methods, which is, â€Å"In the wisdom of nature lies the solutions†to all of the ailments faced by humankind today. [30] We are not at a loss for natural cures because the environment has just as many rich resources for promoting health as it always has. It is simply our responsibility to take advantage of those resources. Using natural cleaning products is the first step for many families, especially among those who are aware of the potential dangers of conventional products. One example is antiperspirant, a widely used product in almost every American home. Many antiperspirants contain aluminum, a chemical element that has been linked to breast cancer in several studies. While there is no general consensus on the long- term effects of antiperspirant use, several studies have shown a positive association between regular application and tumors in the breast. One such study was conducted in 2002, entitled â€Å"Aluminum, Antiperspirants, and Breast Cancer. †The study reveals the toxicity of the element and its possible interactions with breast tissue over long- term exposure: â€Å"Aluminium is known to have a genotoxic profile, capable of causing both DNA alterations and epigenetic effects, and this would be consistent with a potential role in breast cancer if such effects occurred in breast cells†[31] While the connection between aluminum and breast cancer remains highly debated and continues to draw researchers, there are several chemicals that have been notably proven harmful to the body. The long- term effects of using chemical elements like aluminum, phthalates, and formaldehyde have been well- documented. However, a recent study by Ramon et al. identifies the short- term effects of constant exposure to conventional cleaning products in the hospitality industry among female housekeepers. [32] In the study, a control group of 43 domestic workers who had been diagnosed with either asthma or obstructive lung disease were instructed to keep diaries of symptoms associated with their conditions, from difficulty breathing to asthma attacks at different points during the day. The workers recorded the severity of seven symptoms that had been selected by the panel of researchers at different points during the day. The study concluded that exposure to traditional cleaning products, among them bleach- containing products, aggravates lower respiratory tract symptoms among domestic workers. Although this study was conducted in Spain where the pool of participants was localized, these results indicate that conventional cleaning products are not only damaging to the health of children but also to adults. Harsh irritants found in traditional cleaning products like bleach are dangerous to both the body and the environment. Conventional Household Products Pollute the Environment Humans are only as healthy as their habitats. Therefore, by polluting the environment, we poison ourselves. Conventional cleaning products pollute the environment and our bodies. By poisoning the environment, we poison ourselves. Environmental security, which can be understood as the capacity of humans to live harmoniously with nature or to maintain a sustainable environment is inextricably linked with human security. This is why it is crucial to make careful decisions about the purity of household products. In an interview with Jim Quigley, founder of Healthy Spaces, a company that aims to help local Philadelphia and Bucks County families create healthier homes and workplaces, the interconnection between environmental health and bodily function was made clear. He described an incident in which a man with severe allergies called in to have an evaluation of his work space hoping to identify a major environmental trigger that could be removed to ease his symptoms. He had been taking Claritin every day, three times per day on his worst days, and was very distracted by his allergy symptoms. Jim went into evaluate the office and made shocking observations as he engaged in conversation with the man and completed the formal checklist he uses in every evaluation. The first visual observation was an easy one. He immediately identified wall-to-wall carpeting in the office that had not been vacuumed in a number of months, a rich source of dust mites and bacteria. The second was the wall paper, which he determined contained volatile organic compounds (VOCs) upon taking a sample and evaluating it in the laboratory. Both formaldehyde, the dangers of which have been discussed, and xylene were found in the wallpaper. The man was functioning from day to day in a very hazardous environment, and Jim advised him to remove the carpet, remove the wallpaper, and use paint with a natural base to see if his health improved. In a matter of days, the man’s symptoms were alleviated to the point of no longer needing even one dose of Claritin in the course of a day. By returning the office environment to a more natural state, he was able to return his body to a more natural state of functioning as well by coming off of his pharmaceutical medication. Several companies are making a healthy environment a priority in their marketing strategies. [33] Melaleuca Inc. is an example of one company that is making strides to protect the environment. The biodegradable nature of most Melaleuca products and containers ensures that the environment will not be harmed through proper disposal. This is one of the extra steps the brand makes to protect the natural habitat in which we all must live, which adds sustainable value to the products. Because the products in Melaleuca’s cleaning line Eco Sense are concentrated, they can be diluted with water instead of packed with chemical fillers to enhance performance. Also, the concentrated nature of the products allows packaging in smaller containers, which allows for less waste. This is a feature that customers like Ms. Hensen truly appreciate. She asserts that she is personally committed to preserving the environment and this was one of the main features that first drew her to the company. In her own words, she is â€Å"really concerned with protecting the environment in any way [she] can. [34] The commitment to preserving the environment is a part of the Melaleuca promise because the founders understand that the earth provides benefits that require a sense of respect for the environment, a mutually beneficial partnership between consumers and this universal habitat. All companies providing natural household products make a similar pledge to protecting the environmen t. Natural Household Products: The Best Choice for Your Home and Health Natural cleaning products provide safe alternatives to harmful chemicals found in many traditional products, from bleach to furniture polish. Considering that we spend up to 57 percent of our lives indoors, it is beneficial to make sure that indoor environments are safe havens to raise healthy children. At present, many environmental factors are responsible for the increase in the number of allergic and autoimmune diseases, and evidence provided supports the hypothesis that this increase may be caused by the widespread chemical contamination of the environment. Several chemicals, like formaldehyde and phthalates in the home have been linked to rising rates of asthma among young people, but consumers are not left hopeless. The goal is not to live in fear of the world around us. Rather, it is to embrace the fruits of the earth and bring nature into the home environment. Bacteria and dust mites were some of the first organisms to appear on the planet, and these tiny organisms will not be disappearing anytime soon. All companies promoting natural cleaning products share the same basic goal, and that is promoting health holistically by offering alternatives to harsh chemicals that can harm the body and the environment. Perhaps the reemergence of indigenous practices is evidence that we are beginning to remember that we are just one part of an unending cycle of life- we are nature. Therefore, the environments we occupy are inseparable from our own holistic wellbeing. Just as some are choosing natural products for healing rather than pharmaceuticals to stimulate the body’s own innate ability to heal, people are looking for more natural products to surround themselves in the home. If the body is a temple of the soul, then the home is the temple of the body, and the environment encapsulates it all. There are no divisions among these components. The earth’s natural elements have worked synergistically with our own bodily systems for thousands of years. Isn’t that the best seal of approval? How to cite Maintaining a Healthy Home Holistically, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
International Business Logistics Companies UPS and DHL in Australia
Question: Discuss about the International Business Logistics Companies UPS and DHL in Australia. Answer: Introduction International business is governed by many factors, of which some even challenges the multifaceted specialities of multinational companies. Different companies have different international business strategies; however, the destinations of all those companies are the same. Moreover, they move to the globalized areas to have enhanced business operations and annual revenues. However, in course of this, they even face many challenges, which even challenge their sustenance (Ajami et al. 2014). The main purpose of the assignment is to analyze the real business problem in two of the biggest companies of Australia such as UPS and DHL. The assignment tries to check their international business operations and the challenge, which they receiving on their way to the success. Literature review: DHL Problems DHL is one of the leading logistic companies in the world is struggling with the logistic problem in some countries such as Australia. Three reasons have been identified behind the challenges, which are opposing the growth of the country in some of the most emerging nations across the globe. Following are some of the reasons behind the issues in the logistic operations: Standardization It is the first problem in the global business of logistic operation, which is because of the fact that different countries have different set of regulations governing the logistic operations. The emerging countries have generally no such awareness towards the importance of logistic operations. In addition to this, the ever-changing rules and regulations in such countries related to the supply chains operations often make it problematic for the companies to have a smooth flow. The rules and regulations in some of the emerging countries are not standardized and this is affecting the business of DHL in big terms. Nevertheless, the emerging countries are a god asset for the company if the country offers a standardized rules and regulations (Casson 2013). Change The global countries can often their foreign trade policies dramatically. This is because of the fact that these countries are often more inclined towards the local companies. They tend to uplift the business of local companies, which is like opposing the growth of foreign companies. Thus, the changing perceptions of foreign countries towards their local companies have also become a challenge to the global operations of the DHL logistics (Cavusgil et al. 2014). Lead Times Costs Different countries have different set of policies for the import business, which is another strain for the logistic operations of DHL as the timely deliverance of product is very much required for the sustenance of reputation. In some countries such as Chile, once goods are arrived it relatively reaches quickly from port to the distribution centre. However, in countries such as Brazil and Peru, the imported goods take relatively higher times because the imported goods are first sent to the fiscal warehouses for the clearance of the products. It is then sent to the distribution centre. It is time consuming and little expensive (Clarke 2012). The Incoterms used in the DHL Company is for defining the distributing criteria and the assignment of risks between the internationally involved trading parties. It standardizes the shipping of products and receiving the merchandise. It is also used to allocate international commercial transactions. It also helps establish a relationship of agreement on between the exporting and the importing parties (Dunning 2012). Import and Export DHL is very well known for its global presence in the logistics operations, which is governed by several available resources such as international express, ocean, air, and road transportation. It has categorized its network in two sectors such as global and local. Hong Kong, Cincinnati and Leipzig are connected through global network whereas Bangkok, Thailand and Singapore as the local network. DHL Thailand is the gateway of both the important, export services, and transit shipments for the Indo-China countries. Approximately around 5,300 employees are working for the company across the globe. The company manages its operations through some business expertise and divisions such as DHL Express, DHL Excel Supply Chain and DHL Global Forwarding (Forsgren and Johanson 2014). UPS: Problems UPS is the worlds largest company for package delivery and the one of the leading global provider of logistics services. However, the company is facing several problems in maintaining its reputations on the e commerce websites. During the bad weather times, the shoppers are not able to go on the shopping malls and this is such times, which enhances the pressure on the UPS Company. Notably, at that point in time, UPS Company does also suffer of bad weather condition, which hampers its network. This is because of the fact that com any is not able to meet with the rising demand on the online booking of products and their shipments. The network is poor and is not responsive under bad weather conditions (Hill, Cronk and Wickramasekera 2013). Incoterms the Incoterms used in the company have its objectives to differentiate the functionalities and risks between two parties. It also covers delivery points, obligations for the sellers and the buyers and transport mode. The different kinds of Incoterms used in the company are E Terms, F Terms, C Terms and D Terms (Meyer and Peng 2016). Import and Export It is known as the Big Brown, the company is the worlds largest delivery company for the packaged goods. The import and export business are done by means of several transportation modes such as road, air, ocean and rail transportation. The company owns the 9the largest airline in the North America, which simply tells the highly incremented global reach of the company. The global operations are expanding steadily; however, in the US, it is taken a huge growth. Nevertheless, the company is not having comparative high growth in Australia where it is lagging in terms of e commerce advancement. Its door-to-door operations are efficient enough to connect to the major number of residents. The highly incremented business of the company is in the United Sates where the company is generating approximately around 83% of its entire revenues generations. The ground shipping market is covering the 60% of its entire operation in the US and 35% in the air shipping. The company is also using advanced technology to reach to maximum number of customers and make elevated order supplies on a regular basis. This is because of the fact that the company is very much into the e commerce websites as most customers use this websites when they are not able to move into the shopping places. This happens because of several reasons such as bad weather condition. However, the company is struggling with its poor e commerce website (Penrose 2013). Research methodology The international business operations of both the company such as UPS and DHL would be analyzed with the help of useful business resources such as business analysis of both the companies, as this would give clear indications towards the respective highlighted problems of both the company in the literature review section (Sitkin and Bowen 2013). Data collection and analysis: UPS Problem analysis The above picture is giving clear indications that the UPS Company has not been able to capitalize during the peak demands. The picture very well tells the story of declining graph during the peak season. During the peak season, the company is even struggling to maintain a positive impact as the Q4 of 2013 and Q1 2 of 2014 states the problem. The company is in the dreadful condition during the peak season simply because they have incapable network system. The e commerce website of the company is not responsive during the peak season such as during the bad weather conditions. During the bad weather conditions, customer is more inclined towards the online mode of shopping; however, the UPDS Company is not capable enough to track the requirements due to the disruption on the e commerce websites. This is result in poor tracking and incapability to respond to the rising urgency. Nevertheless, UPS is one of the leading logistic companies; it becomes very imperative for such company to sho w their utmost business performance during the time when it is most required. The e commerce website is a notable laid down for the company (Verbeke 2013). DHL Problem analysis Refer to figure 2 in the appendices The above picture of the global success of the DHL does very well indicate towards its problems in Australia. The company is having a comparative lesser business growth in Australia. It is far better in some other parts of world such as North America and Western Europe. The company is lagging behind to those centres in terms of customer penetration and the sales growth. The penetration issues, which the logistics operation of the company is facing in some countries, have also hampered its operations to a notable amount in Australia. The different kinds of legal rules and guidelines have notably affected the growth of the company in Australia. Moreover, the dominion of the company in Australia is not like in some other parts such as North America (Wild, Wild and Han 2014). Discussion and Recommendations Both the companies such as UPS and DHL have their separate places in the logistics industries. Both are suffering with their own kinds of problems. However, both have achieved different spaces in the industry. DHL is one of the leading companies in the logistics industry whereas UPS is the leading company in packing of goods. It is also one of the leading companies in the logistics industry across the globe. DHL is struggling to capitalize in some potential market such as Australia because of their lose integration policies with the legal rules and regulations of the respective countries. This is because of the fact that the company has not been able to pronounce the same success as that in North America. It is not a loss in the country; however, the set trademark is yet to achieve in Australia. On a same note, the UPS Company is struggling with its e commerce websites capabilities. The e commerce website of the company is not capable enough to produce and respond to the urgency during the peak seasons. During the bad weather conditions, there are often huge sales requirement on the online; however, the incapable e commerce website is not able to track and respond to those requirements. This is because of the fact that the company is suffering of limited growth in terms of e commerce business. The e commerce is at boom and the market is hiring with the each passage of day. However, the UPS Company has not been able to capitalize on the provided chances. The Company needs some serious repairs for its e commerce websites (Penrose 2013). Recommendations The one point of recommendation for the DHL Company in Australia would be to integrate a different business approach, which is best compatible with the local government rules and regulations on the logistics business. It may include but are not limited to the revising of trade tariffs, which is a bar for the foreign companies. The company should look for some otherwise options to counter the effect of change trade tariffs. Nevertheless, an enhanced business would compensate the incremented incurs on the trade tariffs. The one point of recommendation for the UPS Company would be to enhance its e commerce capabilities. It can do this by following the footsteps of some technically advanced multinational companies such as Walmart. The capability to respond to the urgency during to the peak timings would be an asset for the company. Moreover, this would enable them fetching more orders and hence the business would be elevated. Conclusions Both the companies have their own space in the logistics industry; however, DHL seems to be finding more favours over UPS in Australia. This is because of some facts that the DHL is quick in service and takes direct route whereas UPS are comparatively slower in delivery. The tracking system of DHL is more efficient than the UPS in Australia. The tracking system of UPS is suffering more because of its incapable e commerce website. Both the companies are two most leading names in the logistics industry; however, DHL has more favours from the Australian customers. However, UPS in Australia is very reasonable in pricing than that of DLF but it hardly has any impact on customers, as they prefer more to the service. References Ajami, R., Cool, K., Goddard, J.G. and Khambata, D.M., 2014.International business: Theory and practice. Routledge. Casson, M. ed., 2013.The Growth of International Business (RLE International Business). Routledge. Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G. and Rose, E.L., 2014.International business. Pearson Australia. Clarke, I.M., 2012.The Spatial Organisation of Multinational Corporations (RLE International Business)(Vol. 9). Routledge. Dunning, J.H., 2012.International Production and the Multinational Enterprise (RLE International Business). Routledge. Forsgren, M. and Johanson, J., 2014.Managing networks in international business. Routledge. Hill, C.W., Cronk, T. and Wickramasekera, R., 2013.Global business today. McGraw-Hill Education (Australia). Meyer, K. and Peng, M., 2016.International business. Cengage Learning. Penrose, E., 2013.The Large International Firm (RLE International Business). Routledge. Sitkin, A. and Bowen, N., 2013.International business: challenges and choices. Oxford University Press. Verbeke, A., 2013.International business strategy. Cambridge University Press. Wild, J., Wild, K.L. and Han, J.C., 2014.International business. Pearson Education Limited.
Friday, November 29, 2019
The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad free essay sample
Nowadays, there are many people continue studying outside their country. They think that educations in other countries are better than in their own country. In my country, many students continue their studying abroad. Some of them are helped by scholarship and others by their own parents. Australia, Singapore, China and USA are the most favorite countries to study. They choose them because they are developing countries. In my opinion, studying abroad is good choice but there are many advantages and disadvantages on it. By moving to other country and leaving alone, we can gain more experience and broad-minded. It is because we get the qualified education. Furthermore we can stand alone. Living away from home can also help you adjust to the transition of college and adulthood. It practices us to be independent. You will learn to be responsible and able to take decision by yourself. The second one is, you can practice your english, or you can learn another language. We will write a custom essay sample on The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page we’ll have the benefit of force language speaking. For example, if you study in china, you will be forced to speak Chinese (mandarin) every time and everywhere. Hopefully, when you come back from china, you can speak the language fluently. Third, Study abroad affords you the opportunity to make friends around the world. You can also learn about their culture and language. At first, you are not be able to speak the country’s language fluently, you will speak your language inadvertent and so do they. It will make you familiar with their language, and then you follow them to speak their language. They have different experiences so they can help you to solve your problem. Friends is the most important treasure in your life Fourth, when you study abroad in some countries, you will have a chance to try some part time-work. You can find a good and well-payed job there. So you can get some extra money to fulfill your need. It prepares you to be an employer. Your connection with the company can also help you to get or create a job. Many students find a job to meet some of their financial requirements. Fifth, Study abroad provides the opportunity to travel. Weekends and academic breaks allow you to explore your surroundings – both your immediate and more distant surroundings. Since studying abroad often puts you on a completely different continent, you are much closer to places you might otherwise not have had the opportunity to visit. Some more structured study abroad programs even have field trips planned in or around the curriculum. Moreover, you will quickly pass your study. In some countries, they need shorter period of time to graduate than in Indonesia. so you can do a job while your friends in Indonesia are still studying. You will get a high price and more wages. Because you are graduated from other countries, you will be fluent to speak some language, have many great experiences that you will not get in Indonesia, and other else. But studying abroad is also has some disadvantages. First is about the standard of living, The cost of living in other countries is quite expensive, so we need to spend more money on it. Second, the free-friendship means you can have friends and do anything freely, but the problem is about free-sex, drugs, other criminal things and so on. Third, you may be attacked by culture shock. It makes you depressed at first. You will meet some differences in other countries, like food, culture, language, habit and custom. Sometimes you need a long time to adapt yourself in other countries or else we can get homesick. You will miss your family, your countries, friends, habit, and others Fourth, when you get sick in other countries, you will find some trouble. There’s no one take care of you. It’s too much work to apply. Study abroad applications are a far less arduous process. While some more competitive programs may require recommendations and essays, they’re generally not even close to as time-consuming. In conclusion, good or bad depends on how the students use the chance of studying abroad.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Romantic Period essays
Romantic Period essays The Enlightment was the movement that spread and caused and influence in its society. Romanticism, was wide spread in many different areas. Since the middle ages, had there been in artistic movement that made a big change. That changed was quickly traveled on to Germany and England and quickly spread through to the Western Hemisphere. The beginnings on the last decades in the 18th century transformed poetry, novels, drama paintings, sculptures, all forms of concert music especially opera and ballet. It was deeply connected with the politics of its time, echoing peoples fear, hopes and aspirations. It was starting to become what is called the voice of revolution at the beginning of the 19th century and the voice establishment at the end of it. The last shift, was a result of a triumph of the class that invented and adopted a romantic movement. Many things occurred and where invented around the Romantic period. Inventions such as omnibuses that gathered several people in horse carriages and took them around town, to producing fuel gas with coal were several of the few. Unfortunate people started to get hurt a little more. Around August of 1819, workers gathered at the St. Peters field to protest their unfairness working conditions. About 600 people were injured and approximately 17 were killed. Wealthy people lived in huge homes. Dandy began to be a word very well used describing conscious men filled with style. Most dandys used the color black as evening wear. Music like always continued to be a popular form of entertainment. In 1813, the Philharmonic Society was formed and won acclaim for its talented musicians. Among the many Beethoven was one of them. People would attend museums to view famous painting along with sculptures. Fairs were very well attended, while the fortune-tellers and fire-eaters entertained the people. In the Romantic Period, the person was valued over society, imagi...
Friday, November 22, 2019
WGS341 MIDTERM LONG ESSAY QUESTION Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
WGS341 MIDTERM LONG QUESTION - Essay Example y, poor women, women of color, and immigrant women have continued to experience gender bias in accessing equal education, voting, employment, and remuneration (American Civil Liberties Union 1). Moreover, lesbians and bisexual women encounter significant discrimination in the society compared to heterosexual women. As such, women’s rights rely on differences between women in the society. Most assuredly, different women in different classes approach women’s struggle in diverse ways. We have middle class women who seek professional jobs and equal employment opportunities. On the other hand, we have proletarian women who integrate with men to offer cheap labor for the sake of surviving the competition in the society. Sexuality is a significant aspect in the society. As such, sexuality is a challenging subject to discuss especially with respect to addressing women affairs. Ideally, sexuality relates to sexual orientation, sex, and gender identities. Individuals experience their sexuality through their thoughts, beliefs, actions, values, and conduct (Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange 1). As such, considering sexuality in the workplace is very crucial since it presents and explains the economic inequalities experienced by individuals based on their sexuality. Numerous inequalities relate to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in the society. For example, various states establish laws that legalize discrimination based on sexual orientation like gays and transgender. Indeed, the Williams Institute established that about 40% of all openly lesbian, gay, or bisexual employees experienced discrimination or harassment at work in 2011 (Baird-R emba 1). Moreover, considering sexuality helps in determining the position of different people in the society. For example, the society refers to lesbians, gays, and gender variant people as inverts. These people experience discrimination in the work place. As such,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
American women history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
American women history - Essay Example â€Å"Women are seen to have always had a rather influential role in determining the general growth and prosperity of the communities in which they happen to live in†(Taylor and Moore, 2008). Colonial North America is seen to have had two major groups of women, these are the women of European decent and the Native Indian women. These two different groups of women are seen to come from extremely different backgrounds and were affected in diverse ways by the change in gender roles. During the 16th century, European women are seen to have had very specific roles. These traditional roles primarily entailed the weaving of clothes, the preparation and serving of food and the education and raising of children. However, when colonial North American settlers first came to the New World, they were greatly appalled to discover that the Native Indian women were the ones who had been assigned all of what was considered to be manual and traditional labor according to their European standar ds. The native Indian women were responsible for the rearing of their children, conducting all the various works in and around their houses, the creation of pottery and the preparation of food while the Native Indian men were seen to be enjoying themselves by going on fishing and hunting expeditions, and the building of homes for their families. To the women European settlers, all these activities conducted by women were essentially activities that were conducted by the European noble class as leisure activities.
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Construction and Purpose of Maya Pyramids Term Paper
The Construction and Purpose of Maya Pyramids - Term Paper Example The discussion that is presented in this term paper is based on Maya pyramids, that unveils the architectural and engineering skills of Mayan civilization and its purposes like cultural, ritualistic, religious, as landmarks and burial chambers. The researcher concluds the term paper and states that the Mayan pyramids represent the innovation in the fields of architecture and engineering. The essay describes that the development in the field of agriculture helped the Mayans to be innovative and creative. Besides, the construction of massive pyramids proves the Mayan accuracy in planning and implementation. The symbolic value of Mayan pyramids that is analyzed in details also proves its cultural purpose. In addition to that, the pyramids acted an important role to fulfill the ritualistic needs of the Mayans. As the Mayans were devoted to their religion that is described in the term paper, the pyramids acted the role of a gathering place to perform religious activities. For example, as the Mayan people gave more importance to their gods, kings and their ancestral lineage, some of the pyramids were made use as burial chambers. The Mayans also used to maintain trade relations and the pyramids acted the roles of land marks for it. In addition, the Mayans considered the elite class as the representatives of their gods and some of the pyramids were used as burial chambers. In short, the construction and usability of pyramids in different fields prove its vital role in the Mayan civilization.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Women Awareness Of Emancipation Sociology Essay
Women Awareness Of Emancipation Sociology Essay The questionnaires were distributed in different regions in order to target a large number of women with different types of lifestyles. The reason was to get different views from women from different horizons having different backgrounds. Women from different age groups have their own opinion on women emancipation, and each segment needed to taken into consideration. This difference in opinion is mainly due to the gap between different generations as facilities offered to them were not same. Youngsters were more easily accessible for the survey and were more interested in giving some of their time. They were more common to the term Emancipation of Women. The interviewees were met at their workplace, on university campus and at their home mainly. Women awareness of Emancipation There was a high rate of positive response in the overall result. As illustrated above 68 % of the respondents were aware of emancipation. This shows that emancipation affects lives of many Mauritian women. Emancipated women show some confidence and are less submissive. Youngest women were more aware of emancipation; this was proved by their high rate of positive response (81% for 18-25 age group and 87% for the 26-35 age group). Those who knew more about emancipation were mainly those who have been to school or those who are working, or women having an active social life. These women appear more confident and less submissive. Although their numbers were lower, the elder women gave mainly negative answers. In fact, the 46-over group age gave more than 50% of negative replies in their answers. This is so as the elderly do not see that emancipation has an impact on their lives itself. They are already grown up enough to change their life styles. Some of them said that they devote their time in looking after their offspring rather than doing things for themselves. All women who knew about emancipation were able to tell that it has brought many changes in the way women are living today. As illustrated above, 67 % of women believed that emancipation had an impact on women and only 33 % were against this particular view. Those who answered yes are mostly responding in accordance about what they are achieving in their lives through as an emancipated woman. So women were asked to describe this emancipation in a word or short phrase. The most used words to characterise emancipation are given below: Women are foreseen as a decision maker in the family. Whereas long ago they had only to agree to the will of their husbands, 13.6% of interviewers think women now take part in all important decisions like, what stuff to buy, or decision like having a baby or not. Women emancipation has also bring along with it equality between women and man. This is why 17.6% of women interrogated believed that they had equal rights as man. Indeed, nowadays, according to the equal and opportunities act, specify that no discrimination should be made between men and women. With 22.4% of women answering that emancipation made them independent, this was the highest rate obtained for the survey. Women feel that emancipation brought them freedom of movements and actions. They are now able to launch themselves in any field they want and make their own decisions. 8.8% of women think that emancipation gave rise to new laws protecting women rights. And these laws have been made by act of parliaments and enforced by courts. So any person, who is found trespassing the right of a woman, can be sued in court and risk fines and imprisonment. Women have now evaluated according to 5.6% of replies obtained in the survey. This evolution can be noticed by women now dressing them differently but also act differently in the society. Women are now well known and express their views. Where long ago they had no social life, today women are able to participate and animate social groups. In order to support the women emancipation, women education should not be neglected as it was long ago, where mainly boys were sent to school, while girls had to stay at home and do household jobs. But nowadays, more and more women are able to go to school, and the stereotypes of the past seem to have faded away. From results of the survey, we noticed that every woman interviewed went to school, and many even went through tertiary education. Results are illustrated in the graphs below: Most women questioned were able to say that the quality of education being offered to girls at school has increased. This quality may be quantified by the fact that girls work better than boys at school. The table below illustrates values obtained from the Central Statistic Office. Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Primary Completion 70.7 70.1 69.2 73.8 71.5 Male% 65.3 66.1 64.5 68.6 66.1 Female % 76.3 74.0 74.0 79.2 77.2 Certificate of Primary Education Pass Rate 66.2 67.4 68.1 68.5 68.6 Male % 60.1 62.1 62.3 63.1 62.7 Female % 72.7 73.2 74.5 74.4 74.9 For several years, we notice that girls work better than boys. This is due to the fact that equal chances are offered to both sexes. When questioned about the facilities offered to boys and girls, respondents replied that both sexes are offered same treatment. The level of education involving women can also be illustrated by the fact that most respondents in the survey are well qualified women. More than one quarter of them has reached at least HSC level. However it can be noticed that female are more concerned about education and their future success nowadays due to the fact that they do not want to depend on any one. Career prospect has become the priority of almost all women. The high level of education of women will therefore channel them for equal chances as men at work. They will have the possibility even to rule other men as they are qualified enough to do the job. Women are no more only housewives, while their husbands go to work to feed the family. There is growing motivation in women to have a job and be independent. The majority of the respondent agreed that in major sectors of the industry, women are offered same chances as their male homologues. We can see women emerging in new sectors, and they are no longer present in the only sector which was mostly in industries. Long ago it would have been impossible because of stereotypes and prejudices which they will have to bear. According to the study, 35% which forms the majority earns Rs 10000 to 20000. It shows that these women are not working in industries and fields as in such work they will not be earning this income. This shows that women has been emancipated in the job sector as at first it was industrialisation which gives rise to emancipation. The emancipation of women has not only affected their life at work, but also their status in the family also changed. As shown above, 89% of answerers think that women position in the family has changed. This is so as nowadays women are not the only one doing the entire task at home as they are being helped by the husband. 52% even answered that these changes were significant. Women have same power and same rights as their husband, brothers, or even as a family leader. In the sample of people taken for the survey, we can see women participation as a decision maker at home in 71% of the replies. 21% even think that women are decision makers at home, because for them, generally, men only go to work, but its their wives who manage the budget for the month and even for the choices of equipments for the house. When women were asked on the survey what changes emancipation brought to their lives, the most frequent answer was being independent. 25% of women think they are more independent while other frequent replies were equality with men which came 20% of the time, and 18% think they are now decision makers. The most frequent answers have been selected and presented below. Feeling more independent, women can now do all kind of activities apart from work and household tasks. So women are more involved in social groups. 53% of women interrogated practice any kind of social activity. From results obtained from the survey, we notice that a slightly lower amount of women questioned being married. This value is smaller than if survey was done years before because of youngsters not getting married early in these days. They prefer a more liberal relationship before choosing whom to marry. The amount of forced marriage has decreased with women emancipation. Young ladies rights are more and more taken into consideration and they are able to choose between marriage and studies for example. However, we notice that women do not practice enough sport, as we can see that only one third of women questioned actually practiced a sport activity. The main reason for this low rate is mainly due to lack of time. After work women feel that they have no time for sport as some attend tertiary education after working hours. Sport has greatly contribute to revolutionise the status, image and even character of women, thus challenging a whole set of traditional and cultural attitudes about womens position and role in society. With the increasing globalisation of sport, advances made in training and in womens sport in general in Mauritius, encourage the development of new sports, increasing women involvement, and breaking down stereotypes. The impact of the Olympic Games in demonstrating the global participation of women in sport is highlighted. At every Olympic games, Mauritius had female representatives in the games. From the survey, respondents were more than 4/5 saying that practicing sport was a new way for emancipation as it opens new doors and provide several alternatives to women to sound the world the way they like. Women are now able to become as good as men in sport.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Lincolns Gettysburg Address (memo Guide) :: essays research papers
When the White Men Came I miss my home. I always thought I would be surrounded in its beauty forever, until they came to our land. Everyday it becomes more difficult to remember back to the days when it was ours. They took our lives away, and we were helpless. But there was nothing that we could have done. They were white men we were afraid. It began as the leaves started to change from cool green to warm red and gold. My sister had married only the night before and we were all very happy. Because of the change in weather and the addition to our family we had thought something wonderful would be granted unto us. We were wrong. I first felt that something was going on early the morning after my sister''s wedding. There had been talk of an enormous canoe seen in the water off the land away. The excitement seemed to be in full swing that morning. I sat with my father''s mother working on my weaving. She was talking about her own wedding and because she had told that story many times last night, it was easy for me to be distracted by the commotion outside. There were shouts and yells, but all to distant for me to make out what was being said. After a few minutes of listening, two men stopped and stood just a few feet away from my window. Thought out of eyesight, I could sense their uneasiness. The two talked of the great canoe. They were nearing. As they morning went on, I was assigned various tasks. One of my duties brought me not too far from the water''s edge. My mother knew of the excitement of what was approaching us, and warned me to stay away from the water. She knew that the bravest men in our tribe had gone down to investigate the situation and/or defend our village. As a 13-year-old girl, I knew of no such plan. But, of course, curiosity got the best of me and I hurried down to see what was going on. I hid behind a large tree and peeked out at the men. They stood watching the people lower smaller canoes into the water and get into them, still away from the shore. I observed from my hiding place, but soon fell asleep, still tired from the festivities the night before. I was awaken by a deafening bang.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The application of heat is used for sterilization the duration of time and appropriate temperature should be considered to guarantee destruction of all microorganisms. Wherein, disinfection is used to apply chemicals to objects like chlorination of water so that pathogens will be killed. The implementation of aseptic techniques using air filtration in susceptible areas, use of ultraviolet light in an area where microorganisms usually thrive like operating rooms.The use of disinfectants which has a phenol component can reduce infections on wounds. Sterilization is the method of killing all microorganisms using aseptic technique while disinfection is the process of using disinfectants. Antiseptics are solutions that kill microorganisms on the living tissue wherein disinfectants have a higher capacity of killing harmful bacteria. Most disinfectants cannot totally eliminate microorganisms, especially bacterial endospores wherein virus and bacteria are more resistant.The ingredients like quaternary ammonium salts, this is a component of Lysol which is used as a toilet bowl cleaner and disinfectant spray, these chemical can destroy cell membranes and can also disrupt the membrane of some viruses. The compound named phenol which can be derived from ordinary plant which is also a common ingredient of disinfectants that can disrupt cell membrane to control enzyme function. Disinfectants are typically applied on non living objects in order to destroy microorganisms and this process are called disinfection.The difference between disinfectants and antibiotics should be distinguished when disinfectants are improperly used it can harm even the person using it that is why household disinfectants should be properly used and kept away from children. Bitrex is a component of some disinfectants which is a special bitter substance that can discourage intake of food for human or animals and it should be used with extra care. In addition, the use of other cleaning products mixed wit h the indoor disinfectant should be avoided hence chemical reaction can occur that may cause more harm.Conclusion The odor of the disinfectant like Lysol even if it has fragrance does not mean that it is safe to smell it is quite irritating to the nose due of its chemical component and I have learned that there should always be safety rules to follow before applying disinfectant in the house, its effect is tolerable for man the continuous use of it may soon give the human body a drastic affect that could damage cells that would lead to metabolic abnormality and impair the physiologic activity of the body that ends up to occurrence of diseases once the immune system shuts down.The contact of various infectants to our skin especially to the food we ingest should be avoided again this is due to the fact that this chemical solutions serve its purpose but once the body inhaled or ingest too much of it and in instances that it already accumulated in the body but is not excreted by our org ans thoroughly it will stay inside our body. Its damage will be observed once it develops antagonistic effect to our immune system and to the normal flora of microorganism inside our body.In short, disinfectants should only be used frequently in places where too much types of microorganism exist like hospitals. In our household, proper hygiene like frequent washing of hands before and after eating, on handling of foods, especially after coming from the rest room because the stool is the carrier of almost all microorganisms that can infect man. The proper use of disinfectants should be observed carefully by reading the label before use because even if they control the growth of microorganisms it does not mean that it will not give harm to us humans.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Post War Europe Essay
The World War II refers to the global conflict that took place between 1939 to 1945. Also referred to as the Second World War, the conflict involved many nations, especially the great powers. The conflict had two opposing military alliances, the Axis and the Allies (Hakim, p 8). This war has been considered as one of the most spread war in the world history since it involved the mobilization of more than 100 million military personnel. The Allies alliance during the war was made up of countries that opposed the Axis powers. The Big Three†or the three major nations that led the Allied Alliance were the United States of America, Britain, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. Other nations that were part of the Allied Alliance included China, France, Poland, Australia, Canada, and South Africa. The Axis Alliance opposed the Allies, and it was led by three major Axis powers. These powers were; Germany, Italy and Japan. These three countries in September 1940 had signed a Tripartite Pact upon which the Axis Alliance was founded. Other nations that were part of the Axis Alliance included; Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Some the Axis co- belligerents included; Finland, India, Vietnam, and Iraq. The state of total war as a result of this conflict had the major nations that were involved use their scientific, industrial, and economic capabilities in order to develop weapons or plan military strategies that would maximize their probability of winning the war (Russell, p 15). It is estimated that over 70 million people were killed, with the majority being civilians. This made the war one of the deadliest human conflict to ever occur. The war began in 1939, and was triggered by the Germany’s invasion of Poland. This later led to the France, United Kingdom, and the United States declaration of war on Germany. Some of the well known events that occurred during the Second World War include; the Operation Barbararossa, Pearl Harbour attack and the Marco Polo Bridge incident. The war ended in 1945 and had the United States and the Soviet Union turn out to be the superpowers. The World War II broke out in Europe after Hitler led the Axis Alliance by first invading Poland. There were several major effects of Second World II on Germany and Europe. In this paper, these effects will be discussed. Major effects of World War II in Germany Germany was one of the leading nations in the Axis Alliance against the Allies during the Second World War. Germany is considered to have developed some of the most sophisticated and most destructive weapons during the war. Together with the cost of military operations, Germany used a great amount of its finances to develop weapons for use during the war. The Nazi Germany which was led by Adolf Hitler invested great amounts of financial resources to cater for the costs of the war. In 1936, Adolph Hitler in his efforts to purchase war materials at low prices imposed price controls on the Germany people. Rationing later followed in 1939. Price controls that were put on food led to food shortages during the war. This led to the people growing their food and doing barter trade with their personal belongings for food. Compensation trade was born during the war; as a result of the wide spread barter trade. Due to the business to business transactions, many business firms hired a person who could barter a firms’ output. The barter trade was inefficient compared to the direct purchase of commodities and services using money. According to a Germany economist Walter Eucken self- sufficiency and barter trade were incompatible. Due to an extensive labor division, Germans’ economic system had been â€Å"reduced to a primitive condition†(Harlett 1978, p. 34). The Germany economy after the war was in shambles. In the housing sector, Adolph- Hitler scorched – earth policy together with the war had affected about 20 per cent of the housing. Germanys’ economic hardship had the food production per capita from 1938 to 1947 reduce by 51 per cent. In addition, the occupying powers had set the food ration between 1040 and 1550 calories per day. As compared to the industrial out put in 1938, Germanys’ out put in 1947 was only a third of the 1938 industrial output. Due to the death of a large number of working -age men during the war, Germany had inadequate labor. The economic hardship had triggered the Germany government to put in place measures that would rejuvenate the country’s’ economy. The government eliminated the price controls that were initially there, while the currency was reformed. This occurred in 1948. Later in 1948 and1949, there was reduction of the marginal tax rates. These measures saw the Germanys’ economy grow rapidly 20 years after the World War II. Germany’s economic problems can also be attributed to the World War I effects. Before the World War I, the German Empire had a prosperous economy. However,after the war,Germany’s economic prosperity was considered to have been ruined by treaties such as the 1919 Treaty of Versallies. The signing of the treaties by Germany together with the World War I effects led to great inflation in the early 1920s. Though Germany’s economy improved after the First World War, the economic problems that characterized this period to some extent came to affect Germany’s economy after the World War II. The first several years in Germany after the World War II were of great economic problems. This resulted from the destruction of property, land, and homes during the war (Klopstock, p 285). Furthermore, many Germans fled from their homes during the war, a situation that made working almost impossible. This reduced the economic productivity of the nation, whose negative effects after the war became evident. In addition to this, the industrial and agricultural production had drastically reduced in Germany. Many millions of people lacked food and clothing as the inflation raged in Germany. Food shortage had become severe and â€Å"each day, and particularly on weekends, vast hordes of people trekked out to the country to barter food from the farmers†(Wallich, p 65). Despite the economic problems that the Germans were experiencing, the political leaders were able to exploit the situation in order to build a very strong economy in future. The economic problems encouraged the German political leaders to focus on the future plans of reviving Germany’s economy. The leaders saw a new beginning in the ruined economy, where the economy was viewed as an instrument of prosperity. The need to have a prosperous economy would then assist the Germans to have a stable society, as well as to safeguard democracy. The leaders sought both the economic prosperity and social peace. A prosperous economy would also make sure that there was equal opportunity for all the German citizens so that eruption of a revolution would be prevented when bitter frustration of the underprivileged social groups was avoided. The reviving of the German economy and â€Å"economic system that had been reduced to a primitive condition†(Hazlett, p 34) due to the economic problems experienced as a result of the World War II became important. The economy was revived through the efforts of some Germans’ post war leaders such as Ludwig Erhard. The currency reforms that were introduced through the efforts of Erhard led to the abolition of the Reichmark and the Deutsche mark introduction. The installation of the new currency began in 1948 led to economic success. Furthermore, Erhard abolished the Nazi and the occupation regulations and rules. This was the beginning of a prosperous and free economy in Germany, which in turn established the foundation of a growing West Germany economy. Apart from the economic problems experienced in Germany, another major effect of the World War II(WWII) in Germany was the division of Germany into two (East and West Germany) for about 40 years. The division occurred in 1949 and ended on October 1990 to reunite the two sides. The three Allied Zones of Occupation were brought together to form West Germany. These three zones were those that were held by France, United Kingdom, and the United States. The two special territories in German’s two states were Berlin and the Saarland. Since the West was democratically organized, it considered itself to have exclusive mandate for all of Germany. The Yalta Conference that was held by the Soviet Union, United States, and the United Kingdom leaders aimed as paving the way forward for future arrangements with the Europe after the World War II. It was during the conference that the leaders decided to split Germany into four occupation Zones. These Zones included; the French Zone, American Zone, British Zone, and the Soviet Zone. West Germany was formed in 1949 and comprised of the Western Allied Zones. The Soviet Zones formed the East Germany, which was also referred to as the Germany Democratic Republic. The West Germany economy grew so rapidly due to the economic aid from the United States and also the Marshall Plan. But more importantly, the currency reforms that were introduced in West Germany strengthened the economy. Both the East and West Germany had mutual recognition of each other and the relation between the two was normalized by treaties such as the Treaty of Warsaw(1970),Basic Treaty(1972) and the Treaty of Moscow(1970). West Germany became cosmopolitan due to the western culture influences while East Germany was conservative. The East Germany adhered to the socialist ideologies, where there was less freedom as compared to West Germany. In addition, the West Germany government was more decentralized and East Germany had a government based on the Communist ideaologies. The reunification of the East and West Germany occurred on 3 October 1990 to form the Federal Republic of Germany, which is the current Germany. The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961 to separate the two regions, but it was destroyed in 1989 after the reunification of East and West Germany. The third major effect of the World War II on Germany was the great advancement in technology. This resulted from German’s great technological ability to develop and use highly sophisticated and powerful weapons and industrial technology. Germany is considered to have developed and used some of the most powerful and sophisticated weapons during the World War II. For instance, Germany managed to develop powerful anti-aircraft weaponry, aircraft bombers, bombs, guns, rifles, and chemical weapons. The jet aircrafts which had been developed late during the war were advanced after the World War II. The Navy advancements during the World War II paved way for more technological development in the naval field. The German designs such as the Type VII submarine were used during the World War II, and the technology was later used after the war for greater advancement. For instance, after the division of Germany into West and East Germany, some of the German’s intellectual privileges that were of industrial advantage. The Allies who had control over West Germany confiscated Germans’ intellectual privileges and used them for their own companies. This led to rapid growth in industrialization due to the technology that had been developed by the Germans. Major Effects of World War II on Europe The World War II had so many countries involved, with the majority being from Europe. Examples of European countries that took part in the war included the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, and Poland. These countries and Europe as a continent experienced some major effects of the World War II. One major effect of the World War II on Europe was economic problems. The World War II had demanded that nations that were involved in the conflict invest their scientific, industrial, and economic capabilities. This required huge amounts of financial resources. Before the war, many European nations had very strong economic abilities. The nations’ economic and population advantage was very essential for success in the war. In addition, the European nations that had major industrial and financial developments included Germany, United Kingdom, and France. Industrial development that had spread across Europe before the war had contributed to great economic development in the European nations. The Industrial Revolution had led to rapid economic growth, which put the European nations at a good position to compete with the United States of America which was then an economic might. The World War II led to the destruction of Europe’s industrial centers and this affected negatively the high production of products or commodities that would be sold to increase economic growth in Europe (Tucker, p 771). The European infrastructure that was greatly destroyed made it hard for the citizens to undertake activities that would contribute to the economic growth. The European countries during the war had continued to increase their spending on developing and producing military weapons. There was construction of strategic road network by some European nations with the aim of increasing their probability of winning the war. The need for synthetic rubber and oil from coal to use during the war promoted great financial investments by the European nations. For instance, Britain’s’ economy was harnessed to the World War II efforts. The destruction of Europe’s infrastructure led to economic problems. The damage of the road and rail networks during the war made it very difficult for the European nations after to move the essential goods from one place to another. The economy was exhausted, a good example being Britain’s economy. For the European countries that were involved in the World War, their economies experienced severe inflation. Though rationing and luxury goods absence in Europe before the war had encouraged people to save, the people were unable to spend their savings since there were no commodities to purchase as would be preferred. The economic hardships in Europe made some European countries to borrow heavily from other nations with a strong economy such as the United States. The economic hiccups in Europe were later followed by economic recovery, where the currency reforms â€Å"quickly reestablished money as the preferred medium of exchange and monetary incentives as the prime mover of economic activity†(Heller, p 215). Another major effect of the World War II on Europe was environmental destruction. The World War II resulted to great environmental destruction. In many cases, any warfare or military conflict has very devastating effects on Europe’s natural environment. Improvements in technology during the war led to the invention of military weapons that were very destructive to the human life as well as the natural ecosystems. For example, the use of powerful and sophisticated bombs in the war destroyed animal and plant life. Furthermore, new chemical components that made up the weapons were released into the environment. This affected the soil fertility and composition, and this made it impossible for land to regain its fertility. The chemical components released from the explosives used in the war made it impossible for some arable land to be productive again. Many parts of Europe that acted as military grounds experienced great environmental degradation. The technological advancements during the World War II were incompatible with environmental preservation. War can never be compatible with the preservation and conservation of the natural environment. The environmental degradation that was occurring during the war was not a bother to the parties that were involved in the war. The military operations, destruction of natural vegetation to build communication lines and roads, and artillery shelling destroyed the environment. The new and effective ways military strategies that were used by the different nations’ forces to attack the enemies or defending themselves from the enemies increased environmental destruction. Long after the war ended, Europe’s natural environment has not yet recovered from the destruction it experienced during the war. In the era of technological advancement and industrialization, environmental issues seemed to cause very little concern in Europe, hence the effects of the war have proved that the war through technological advancement had become a great environmental threat. The increased use of chemical weapons resulted to long-lived negative effects on the environment. The waste disposal practices during and after the war in Europe resulted to â€Å"significant contamination of soils and ground water with high explosives†(Pennington et al, p 163). For example, the use of high explosives has made the recovery of the environment from destruction in Europe almost impossible. Consequently, the environment has become a health hazard to the people with the land mines that are still trapped in the soil/lands making some parts of the Europe land inhabitable. The areas were turned into waste land. Great technological advancements were another major effect of the World War II was witnessed in Europe. These changes that were witnessed were as a result of the nations that took part in the war struggle to invent and use better and powerful military weapons than their rivals. The technological development during and after the First World War promoted more advancements after the World War I . This is because, the improvements made after the World War II were an improvement on those that had earlier been invented. The inventions were considered as very critical when it came to winning the war, and this promoted technological inventions that were very instrumental to the economic development of many European nations after the war. The use of radio’s and electricity became possible due to the technological development witnessed during the wars. Research that had been intensively done by the Allies and the Axis with the aim of outdoing each other’s weapons became very important to more inventions after the war. The technological innovations of the war paved way for the naval technological development witnessed up to date. For instance, the introduction of aircraft receivers and radio communication systems during the war led to more development in naval industry long after the war. The technological advancement became a very vital requirement for survival during the war no doubt led to greater inventions after the war in Europe. Conclusion The World War II has been considered as one of the most devastating conflict to ever occur. This is due to the high number of people who were killed during the war. The various nations that were involved in the conflict invested greatly to the war efforts through finances and scientific inventions. Germany was one of the major players in the conflict and it proved to have great ability to develop and use powerful weapons against its enemies. The major effects of the war were both positive and negative. While some effects have been devastating to the people and the natural environment, others have brought about development in various fields of economic growth
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